There's No People Like Show People

Community of Hope

Episode Summary

Today Friends, we celebrate the 100th Episode of There's No People Like Show People! Thank you so much to everyone who entered our special prize giveaway. Our winner is IZZY MILLER!!!!!!! Congratulations Izzy! Please contact us to select an Official Podcast Merchandise item of your choosing! Creating and hosting this podcast is one of the best things I've ever done and I'm really excited to share with you today's episode. In our first ever group episode, we feature past guests from the first 100 episodes to share words of hope. Life is hard and we want to show people that they're not alone. Being an artist is not always a clear or easy path but the theatre community is incredibly STRONG. You need A LOT of people to help you along the way and a lot of support. I hope these words of wisdom from our past guests bring you the encouragement that you need to keep going. Thank you so much to all of our past guests and a big thank you to all of our listeners out there!